Well today i checked out my blog and found that lots of people had taken the trouble to congratulate me. That was really nice! Birthdays are good things actually. On Saturday, I invited all the New Zealand rellies and some old family friends as well to my birthday bash. It was a huge success. The fish soup - prepared from a recipe provided by my private supernanny Erik in Sweden - turned out well, despite the major threat posed by the rancidness of New Zealand butter. The balloons and cakes were all in place, and I was the centre of attention.
What an enormous response. I'm dad and I'm simply flabbergasted by the loyalty and affection shown by all the bloggers.
So you finally turned a year, I mean I did this over a month ago, and as older and wiser I could have told you all about it. I did get presents for several days, but then it turned out that it was Valentines and those presents were not for me. I was quite upset for a while, but when I found out it was a sweater for daddy and a necklace for mum, I quickly turned my attention to the fun things; the wrappaper. I could not believe it when they wanted to throw that away, I had fun with it for hours and all over the place. Also I had to go see a guy dressed in white, who put funny things against my body and in my ears. It just happened a little accident when I in my usual cool way tried to relax a bit while eating dinner and wanted to stretch my toes against the dinner table. All of a sudden the chair and I was on the floor, and the floor was actually harder than expected. After a while I started to feel a bit nausea, all my good food came up and the people I live with maamaa and dada started to make phonecalls, and off we took in the car to a large building. Well, the white dressed guy was nice, and he let me go home again with maamaa and dada. For a couple of days I had a bit of headache when I moved around, but now Im as good as new again. But someone has put a belt around my chair so I cant weigh on it anylonger, even if I try. Maamaa mutters something about no lessons learned, but then I give her my best smile, and she kisses me. Talk soon,
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