Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Things are happening all the time, and I can hardly keep up telling you all about it. Anyway, here is a summary of what's been going on since my last posting. On Sunday we went for afternoon tea at Great-aunty Joyce's place. She and I had an interesting converation about frogs and such.

There was a cat there, that was just begging to have its fur pulled.

...and Dimitri and I played the piano, to everyones delight. It was a magnificent piece, in Storm und drung style.

On Saturday we all went to Spencer Park for a picnic. There was a big fat pig living there, and Dimitri fed him with bananas and tomatoes. Severin and I got a bit nervous because it looked like the pig might have preferred slightly bigger and meatier morsels.

Then we had a game of Mini-putt. Unfortunately, Severin was rather upset. First we thought he objected to mini-putt but then it turned out he had an earache.

Last week we went to Dux de Lux for a meal. Frankly, I don't understand why people insist on stuffing all sorts of messes in their mouths. Why don't they all just have titty?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I've been getting lots of comments on my blog, so I'm very happy. I miss Grandma and all my friends in Sweden a bit so it's nice to hear from them. But now I must tell you about a few things I've discovered. The first thing is rough and a bit cold and tastes sort of gritty. You can kick it and dig your toes into it and it gets all over the place.

The other thing is big, and wet, and cold, and noisy, and it suddenly comes rushing at you when all you wanted was to splash your feet a little in it. It's The Sea! Better stay close to Dad, one never knows what The Sea will do next.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

There is a man here that everybody calls Lakka, I recognize him from somewhere. He carries me around and that is nice most of the time, but sometimes I get a little scared that he will carry me off from Mama. His living room is full of interesting things, and I noticed that his shelves were very dusty behind all the books.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

When we arrived at the airport we couldn't see anyone we knew. After a while we located Granddad and great-aunty Joyce dithering around, and Aunty Rima and cousin Dima arrived eventually. Dima is very interesting. He likes to shake his head violently from side to side. I usually humour him and shake my head as well, I think it is his way of communicating.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just after we got here to New Zealand I started to feel very hot and bothered. Mum and Dad seemed very distraught and kept saying things like "39.7" and "40.6" and forcing sticky liquid down my throat. We visited the doctors twice but were none the wiser. Now I've recovered but I'm still feeling a little weak.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hello from Sydney! After a nice and leisurely day with uncle Mike and his girlfriend Kelly in London, we were on our way. Flying is very refreshing actually. I slept most of the time between London and Bangkok. They brought out a baby cot and I tried sleeping in that for a bit but then I decided Mama's knee was more comfortable. The rest of the journey i played with Mum and Dad and that was fun. The air hostesses all thought I was really cute. Now we're waiting to catch a plane to Christchurch. Mum and Dad are loking a bit haggard but I'm bright as a button.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I went to the theatre and saw a play called "Baby drama". It was about mothers and fathers, and the time in the womb, and being born, and all sorts of important things. I joined the actors on stage to tell my story but Mama kept holding me back. She really cramps my style sometimes! At the end we were all invited up to try out the big drum.