Thursday, June 29, 2006

On midsummer's day I realized I don't really need to hold on to Mum or Dad's fingers. I can walk without support! There are several advantages in walking: I can get places faster, I can cling more effectively to Mum's legs, and I can investigate all sorts of interesting things that used to be out of reach.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today I took my first steps!!! This great occurence took place in a store where my dad's brother works. Dad didn't have his camera with him but took this portrait of me when we had gotten home and had started the celebration.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Today mum and Dad and I had a picnic by the water. It was so hot I threw of my clothes and ran around naked. I can stand for thirty seconds without support, especially if I get something interesting like a juice carton to investigate.