4 + 13 + 8 + 2. That's how many hours we were in the air, and this is the state we were in when we arrived in Stockholm. I was tired during the trip, but I didn't feel like sleeping. I preferred to cry and whine and cling to Mama, or Papa when she wasn't around. There was unlimited access to titty, which was good, but not quite good enough. When we came to Arlanda our luggage didn't turn up. We found out that one of our suitcases was stuck in London, and the other in Sydney. Mama said that she would make a note of packing some warm clothes in the cabin bag next time. The taxi was a bit cold, but we all slept anyway all the way into town. When we unpacked our bags from the taxi one bag disappeared somehow. I think my passport was in it. So was Mama's wallet.
Grandma is very relieved that you are safely home! Too bad you lost all your luggage and passport and wallet but it could have been a lot worse: you could have lost each other!
I miss you! There is noone quite like you and I am looking forward to saying bubbelibubb to you and hearing you say ajajaj or mamamama real soon!
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